

声明:我在网站上陈列的内容,是基于我的认知 - 它不可避免得会带有一定的我的主观色彩(虽然我已经尽我所能摒弃主观色彩,而尽量去分享客观的东西)。考虑到我的认知并不是完全没有参考价值,所以我依然决定把我的认知分享出来供读者参考,这会对迷茫的、没有思路的读者起到一定的帮助作用。要强调的一点是,我并非认为只有我的认知是对的 其他认知都是错的,毕竟条条大路通罗马,而且每个人都有适合自己的路子,每个人选择的道路和做事方法和形成的认知都值得尊重~我也建议每位读者多去了解了解其他人的认知以及好建议,毕竟兼听则明~总之,我输出的内容的确是我的认知,但是这只是我的建议与个人想法,仅供参考~



100个System PhD的机会里,可能20个对System就业有用,80个对System就业用处小;
100个AI PhD的机会里,可能40个对AI就业有用,60个对AI就业用处小;


那接下来我们就看看美国Top 40的大学的CS专业都有哪些CS方向(这里只陈列方向名字,但是细节需要去官网看,因为细节太多了,在我这网站上也列不下):

  • CS四大
  • CS专排5-10
  • CS专排11-15
  • CS专排16-20
  • CS专排21-26
  • CS专排27-30
  • CS专排31-35
  • CS专排36-40
1 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院
(1) AI and Society (2) AI for Healthcare and Life Sciences (3) Biological and Medical Devices and Systems (4) Communications Systems (5) Computational Fabrication and Manufacturing (6) Computer Architecture (7) Educational Technology (8) Electronic, Magnetic, Optical and Quantum Materials and Devices (9) Energy (10) Graphics and Vision (11) Human-Computer Interaction (12) Information Science and Systems (13) Integrated Circuits and Systems (14) Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems (15) Natural Language and Speech Processing (16) Optics + Photonics (17) Optimization and Game Theory (18) Programming Languages and Software Engineering (19) Quantum Computing, Communication, and Sensing (20) Robotics (21) Security and Cryptography (22) Signal Processing (23) Systems and Networking (24) Systems Theory, Control, and Autonomy (25) Theory of Computation

2 - Carnegie Mellon University 卡耐基梅隆大学
College of Engineering: (1) Advanced Manufacturing (2) Artificial Intelligence (3) COVID-19 (4) Cyberphysical Systems (5) Cybersecurity (6) Energy & Environment (7) Health & Biomedicine (8) Robotics Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy: (1) Arts & Entertainment (2) Crime & Drug Policy (3) Cyber Security & Data Privacy (4) Digital Consumer Behavior (5) International & Labor Economics (6) Energy & Environment (7) Health Care (8) Information Technology (9) Smart Cities Mellon College of Science: (1) Sustainability Science (2) Computational Finance (3) Cosmology (4) Life Sciences Breakthroughs (5) Quantum Computing (6) Materials of the Future (7) Neuroscience (8) Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence School of Computer Science - Computational Biology Department: (1) Algorithms in Nature (2) Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Genetical Genomics Analysis (3) Bringing machine learning to the clinic (4) Molecular Design and Simulation (5) Computational Medicine (6) Active learning of cell organization (7) How The Genome Evolved for Vocal Learning and Speech Production (8) The Immune Basis of Alzheimer’s Disease School of Computer Science - Computer Science Department: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Graphics (3) Programming Languages (4) Security (5) Systems (6) Theory School of Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction Institute: (1) Accessibility (2) Applied Machine Learning (3) Artificial Intelligence (AI) (4) Augmented Reality (AR) (5) Computational Creativity (6) Computational Fabrication (7) Context-Aware Computing (8) Crowdsourcing (9) Design Research (10) Education (11) Enabling Technologies (12) Fairness,Accountability,Transparency,and Ethics (FATE) (13) Future of Work (14) Game Design (15) Healthcare (16) Human Assistance (17) Human-Centered Al (18) Learning Sciences and Technologies (19) Security and Privacy (20) Service Design (21) Social Computing (22) Social Good (23) Societal Problems (24) Tools (25) Virtual Reality (VR) (26) Wearables School of Computer Science - Language Technologies Institute: (1) Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics (2) Information Retrieval, Text Mining and Analytics (3) Information Extraction, Summarization and Question Answering (4) Speech Processing (5) Spoken Interfaces and Dialogue Processing (6) Multimodal Computing and Interaction (7) Language Technologies for Education (8) Machine Translation (9) Machine Learning (10) Computational Biology (11) Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Acquisition (12) Knowledge Representation and Reasoning School of Computer Science - Machine Learning Department
官网没细写方向 https://www.ml.cmu.edu/research/ School of Computer Science - Robotics Institute: (1) Field & Service Robotics (2) Graphics & Creative Tools (3) Human-Centered Robotics (4) Manipulation & Interfaces (5) Robot Structures (6) Robotics Foundations (7) Sensing & Perception School of Computer Science - Software and Societal Systems Department: (1) Analysis & Assurance (2) APIs & Frameworks (3) Applied Systems and Infrastructure (4) Architecture & Design (5) Autonomous Systems (6) Complex Socio-Technical Systems (7) Computing Technology and Policy (8) Developer Tools (9) Distributed Systems (10) Languages (11) Network Science and Social Networks (12) Organizations (13) Privacy and Security (14) Requirements (15) Software Data Analysis Entertainment Technology Center
官网没细写方向 https://www.etc.cmu.edu/ Integrated Innovation Institute
官网没细写方向 https://www.cmu.edu/iii/projects-research/index.html

2 - Stanford University 斯坦福大学
(1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Architecture (3) Biomedicine and Health Computational Biology (4) Computational Cognitive&Neuro-science (5) Computer Graphics (6) Computer Security (7) Computer Systems (8) Computer Vision (9) Data Science (10) Computational Education (11) Empirical Machine Learning (12) Human-Centered and Creative Al (13) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (14) Machine Learning (15) Natural Language Processing and Speech (16) Networking (17) Operating/Distributed Systems (18) Programming Systems and Verification (19) Reinforcement Learning (20) Robotics (21) Statistical or Theoretical Machine Learning Theory

2 - University of California - Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校
(1) Artificial Intelligence (AI) (2) Computer Architecture & Engineering (ARC) (3) Biosystems & Computational Biology (BIO) (4) Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR) (5) Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA) (6) Database Management Systems (DBMS) (7) Education (EDUC) (8) Power and Energy (ENE) (9) Graphics (GR) (10) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (11) Information, Data, Network, and Communication
(12) Sciences (IDNCS) (13) Integrated Circuits (INC) (14) Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) (15) Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT) (16) Physical Electronics (PHY) (17) Programming Systems (PS) (18) Scientific Computing (SCI) (19) Security (SEC) (20) Signal Processing (SP) (21) Theory (THY)

5 - University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign 伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校
(1) Architecture, Compilers, and Parallel Computing (2) Artificial Intelligence (3) Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (4) Computers and Education (5) Data and Information Systems (6) Interactive Computing (7) Programming Languages, Formal Methods, and (8) Software Engineering (9) Scientific Computing (10) Security and Privacy (11) Systems and Networking (12) Theory and Algorithms

6 - Cornell University 康奈尔大学 Ithaca: (1) Architecture (2) Artificial Intelligence (3) Computational Biology (4) Database Systems (5) Graphics (6) Human Interaction (7) Machine Learning (8) Natural Language Processing (9) Programming Languages (10) Robotics (11) Scientific Computing (12) Security (13) Software Engineering (14) Systems and Networking (15) Theory of Computing (16) Vision NYC: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Business & Entrepreneurship (3) Data & Modeling (4) Human-Centered Computing (5) Law & Policy (6) Security & Privacy (7) Technology, Society & Ethics

6 - Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚理工学院 (1) Computer Architecture (2) Databases (3) Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (4) Information Security (5) Programming Languages and Compilers (6) Networks (7) Software Engineering (8) Systems (9) Theory (10) Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (11) Geometry, Graphics & Animation (12) Human-Centered Computing & Cognitive Science (13) Information Visualization & Visual Analytics (14) Robotics and Computational Perception (15) Social Computing & Computational Journalism (16) Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing (17) Virtual and Augmented Environments (18) Applied and Mathematical Cryptography (19) Cybersecurity and International Affairs (20) Cyber-Physical Systems (21) Cybersecurity Policy and Law (22) Election Security (23) Forensics and Attribution (24) Hardware Security and Sidechannel Analysis (25) Malware (26) Network and System Security (27) Privacy and Data Protection

6 - University of Washington - Seattle 华盛顿大学 Seattle: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Augmented & Virtual Reality (3) Computational & Synthetic Biology (4) Computer Architecture (5) Computer Graphics, Vision, Animation & Game Science (6) Computing for Development (7) Data Science (8) Data Management & Visualization (9) Fabrication (10) Human Computer Interaction & Accessible Technology (11) Machine Learning (12) Molecular Information Systems (13) Natural Language Processing (14) Programming Languages & Software Engineering (15) Robotics (16) Security & Privacy (17) Systems & Networking (18) Theory of Computation (19) Ubiquitous Computing (20) Wireless & Sensor Systems Tacoma和Bothell: 方向与老师都很少: https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/set/facultyresearch https://www.uwb.edu/stem/faculty/css-faculty

6 - Princeton University 普林斯顿大学 (1) Computational Biology (2) Computer Architecture (3) Economics / Computation (4) Human-Computer Interaction (5) Machine Learning (6) Natural Language Processing (7) Policy (8) Programming Languages / Compilers (9) Robotics (10) Security & Privacy (11) Systems (12) Theory (13) Vision / Graphics

9 - University of Texas - Austin 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Bioinformantics and Computational Biology (3) Computer Architecture (4) Computer Vision (5) Formal Methods (6) Graphics and Visualization (7) Human-Computer Interaction (8) Intelligent Robotics (9) Machine Learning (10) Natural Language Processing (11) Operating Systems, Distributed Systems,& Networking (12) Parallel Computing (13) Programming Languages & Compilers (14) Scientific Computing (15) Security & Privacy (16) Theoretical Computer Science

11 - California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院
(1) Algorithmic Economics (2) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (3) Computational Biology (4) Graphics and Geometry (5) Information Theory and Applied Probability (6) Mathematics of Data (7) Mathematical Modeling and Analysis (8) Molecular Programming and Synthetic Biology (9) Networked and Distributed Systems (10) Optimization (11) Quantum Information and Computation (12) Robotics and Autonomous Control (13) Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis (14) Theoretical Computer Science

11 - Columbia University 哥伦毕业大学 (1) Theory (2) Graphics and User Interfaces (3) NLP & Speech (4) Security & Privacy (5) Computational Biology (6) Software Systems (7) Computer Engineering (8) Networking (9) Vision & Robotics (10) Machine Learning (11) Artificial Intelligence

11 - University of California - Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校 CS: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Computer System Architecture & CAD (3) Computational Systems Biology (4) Graphics & Vision (5) Information & Data Management (6) Network Systems (7) Software Systems (8) Computer Science Theory M.Eng. (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Autonomous Systems (3) Data Science (4) Digital Health Technology (5) Green Energy Systems (6) IoT Systems (7) Translational Medicine

11 - University of California - San Diego 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 (1) Algorithms, Complexity and Cryptography (Theory group) (2) Artificial Intelligence (3) Bioinformatics (4) Computer Architecture and Compilers (5) Computing Education Research (6) Databases and Information Management (7) Embedded Systems & Software (8) Human-Computer Interaction / The Design Lab (9) Programming Systems (10) Robotics (11) Security and Cryptography (12) Software Engineering (13) Systems and Networking (14) Ubiquitous Computing and eXtended Intelligence (15) Visual Computing (Computer Graphics and Computer Vision) (16) VLSI/CAD (Computer-Aided Design)

11 - University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 Ann Arbor: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Chip Design, Architecture, & Emerging Devices (3) Databases & Data Mining (4) Embedded & Mobile Systems (5) Formal Methods & Automated Reasoning (6) Human-Computer Interaction (7) Languages, Compilers, & Runtime Systems (8) Networking, Operating Systems, & Distributed Systems (9) Robotics (10) Secure, Trustworthy, & Reliable Systems (11) Theory of Computation (12) Warehouse-Scale & Parallel Systems Dearborn: (1) Automotive Engineering (2) Bioengineering (3) Computing and Networks (4) Cybersecurity (5) Data Management (6) Data Science (7) Game Design (8) Heat and Mass Transfer in Energy Technology (9) Human Factors and Ergonomics (10) Integrated Design & Manufacturing (11) Machine Learning, Optimization, and Intelligent Systems (12) Materials and Material Processing (13) Nano Electronics and Photonic Materials and Devices (14) Operations Research and Decision Science (15) Power Electronics and Energy Systems (16) Robotics (17) Software Engineering (18) Vibrations and Mechanics (19) Wearable Sensors

Flint: 方向与老师都较少

16 - Harvard University 哈佛大学
(1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Computation and Society (3) Computational and Data Science (4) Computational Neuroscience (5) Computer Architecture (6) Economics and Computation (7) Graphics, Vision, and Visualization (8) Human-Computer Interaction (9) Machine Learning (10) Programming Languages (11) Systems, Networks, and Databases (12) Theory of Computation

17 - University of Maryland - College Park 马里兰大学帕克分校 College Park: (1) AI And Robotics (2) Algorithms And Theory (3) Bioinformatics And Computational Biology (4) Computer Vision And Machine Perception (5) Cybersecurity And Cryptography (6) Databases And Big Data (7) Graphics, Visualization, And VR/AR (8) High Performance And Scientific Computing (9) Human Computer Interaction (10) Information Retrieval And Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (11) IoT And Wearables Technology (12) Machine Learning And Data Science (13) Natural Language Processing (14) Programming Languages And Software Engineering (15) Quantum Computing (16) Systems And Networking Baltimore County: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Machine Learning and Data Mining (3) Multi-Agent Systems (4) Wireless Sensor Networks (5) Web 2.0 (6) Graphics and Visualization (7) Game Development (8) Systems (9) Security

17 - University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 (1) Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (2) Natural Language Processing (Computational Linguistics) (3) Robotics (4) Computer Vision and Graphics (5) AI for Health, Computational Biology and Biomedical/Clinical Informatics (6) Data Science Platforms, Machine Learning Systems, and Databases (7) Algorithmic Fairness and Data Privacy (8) Human-Computer Interaction (9) Computational Social Science (10) Computer Architecture and Quantum Computing Systems (11) Compilers and Program Analysis (12) Distributed Systems, Networks, and Operating Systems (13) Real-Time, Cyber-Physical, IoT, and Autonomous Systems (14) Computer Security and Cryptography (15) Algorithms and Computational Complexity (16) Formal Methods and Logic (17) Programming Languages

17 - University of Wisconsin - Madison 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 Madison: (1) Computer Architecture (2) Computer Vision (3) Data Science (4) Database Systems (5) Graphics / Visual Computing (6) Human-Computer Interaction (7) Machine Learning (8) Networks (9) Numerical Analysis (10) Optimization (11) Programming Languages and Software Engineering (12) Robotics (13) Security and Privacy (14) Systems (15) Theory Milwaukee: (1) Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing (2) Database and Information Systems (3) Image Processing and Computer Graphics (4) Medical and Bio Informatics (5) Programming Language and Compilers (6) Theory and Algorithms Whitewater与La Crosse:

20 - Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学 (1) Theory & Programming Languages (2) Systems (3) Computational Biology and Medicine (4) Information Security (5) Natural Language Processing (6) Machine Learning and Data Intensive Computing (7) Robotics, Vision, and Graphics

20 - Purdue University - West Lafayette 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 West Lafeyette: (1) Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (2) Computer Architecture (3) Computational Science and Engineering (4) Databases and Data Mining (5) Distributed Systems (6) Graphics and Visualization (7) Human-Computer Interaction (8) Information Security and Assurance (9) Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing (10) Networking and Operating Systems (11) Programming Languages and Compilers (12) Software Engineering (13) Robotics and Computer Vision (14) Theory of Computing, Algorithms, and Quantum Computing Northwest与Fort Wayne: 教授和方向都较少

20 - Yale University 耶鲁大学 (1) Algorithms and Complexity Theory (2) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (3) Computer Architecture (4) Computer Graphics (5) Computer Music (6) Computer Networks (7) Database Systems (8) Distributed Computing (9) Natural Language Processing (10) Operating Systems (11) Programming Languages and Compilers (12) Quantum Computing (13) Robotics (14) Scientific Computing and Applied Math (15) Security and Cryptography (16) Societal and Humanistic Aspects of Computation

23 - Duke University 杜克大学
(1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Computation + X (3) Computer Science Education (4) Data Science (5) Systems (6) Theoretical Computer Science

23 - University of Massachusetts - Amherst 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校 Amherst: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (3) Data Management (4) Electronic Teaching (5) Health Informatics (6) Human Language Technologies (7) Human-Computer Interactions (8) Information Visualization (9) Machine Learning (10) Mobile and Sensor Systems (11) Networking and Distributed Systems (12) Robotics, Computer Vision, and Graphics (13) Security and Privacy (14) Software Systems and Architecture (15) Theoretical Computer Science Boston: (1) Computational Biology (2) Data Mining (3) Databases (4) Distributed Software Systems (5) High Performance Computing (6) Knowledge Discovery (7) Mobile Security and Privacy (8) Network Information Systems (9) Service Computing (10) Software Verification (11) Visual Atttention Dartmouth: (1) Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Innovation (2) Biomedical/Healthcare Engineering (3) Computational Science & Engineering (4) Cybersecurity (5) Intelligent Systems & Communication (6) Mobility (7) Sustainability Engineering Lowell: (1) Biotech, Life Sciences (2) Cybersecurity (3) Flexible Electronics & Smart Textiles (4) Robotics (5) Public Health (6) Energy

23 - University of Southern California 南加州大学 CS: (1) Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Privacy/FATE and Security (2) Theory and Computation (3) Systems, Databases, Software Engineering and CyberPhysical Systems (4) Computer Vision, Robotics, Graphics and HCI
CE: (1) Biological, Medical, and Biomedical (2) Communications, Information Theory, and Machine Learning (3) Computer Engineering (4) Control Systems (5) Electromagnetics and Energy Conversion (6) Integrated Circuits and Systems (7) Nanotechnology & Micro Electrical-Mechanical Systems (8) Networks (9) Parallel and Distributed Computing (10) Photon and Quantum Electronics (11) Quantum Information Processing (12) Signal and Image Processing

26 - University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Chaper Hill: (1) Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems (2) Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (3) Computer Architecture (4) Computer Graphics (5) Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (6) Computer Vision (7) Geometric Computing (8) High-Performance Computing (9) Human-Computer Interaction (10) Machine Learning and Data Science (11) Medical Image Analysis (12) Natural Language Processing (13) Networking (14) Operating Systems (15) Real-Time Systems (16) Robotics (17) Security (18) Software (19) Theory Charlotte: (1) Theory, Algorithms and Complexity of Computing, Computing Cryptography, Quantum Computing (2) Computer System and Networking (3) Parallel Computing, High Performance Computing, Distributed and Cloud Computing (4) Computer Vision, Graphics, Visualization and HCI (5) Security and Privacy (6) Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning (7) Human Language Processing (8) Embedded, Real-time, Robotics, and IoT (9) Database, Data Mining, Big Data, and Informatics (10) Programming Language Theory and Software Engineering (11) CS Education, Computer Ethics and Cognition Greensboro: (1) Algorithms and Theory of Computing (2) Artificial Intelligence (3) Data Science and Machine Learning (4) Database Systems (5) Extended Reality (6) Image Processing (7) Networking (8) Online Social Networks (9) Security and Cryptography Wilmington: (1) Biometrics (2) Software Development (3) Information Security (4) Mobile Development (5) Natural Language Processing (6) Parallel Computing (7) Wireless Sensor Networks (8) Computer Vision (9) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

28 - Northwestern University 西北大学 (1) Systems and Networking (2) Security and Privacy (3) Programming Languages (4) Theory (5) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (6) Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization (7) Vision and Graphics (8) Robotics (9) Computer Engineering

28 - Rice University 莱斯大学 (1) Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (2) Robotics & AI (3) Computer Systems & Engineering (4) Programming Languages, HPC & Formal Methods (5) Machine Learning & Data Science (6) Quantum Computing

28 - University of California - Irvine 加州大学尔湾分校
(1) Algorithms and Complexity Theory (2) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (3) Biomedical Informatics And Computational Biology (4) Computational-Social Relationships (5) Computer Architecture (6) Computer Games and Virtual Worlds (7) Computer Graphics and Visualization (8) Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (9) Computer Vision (10) Database Systems (11) Design (12) Educational Technology (13) Embedded Systems (14) Environmental Informatics (15) Health Informatics (16) Human-Computer Interaction (17) Information Retrieval and Visualization (18) Interactive and Collaborative Technologies (19) Medical Informatics (20) Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (21) Multimedia Computing (22) Networks and Distributed Systems (23) Operating Systems (24) Organization Studies (25) Privacy and Personalization (26) Programming Languages and Software Engineering (27) Science and Technology Studies (28) Scientific and Numerical Computing (29) Security, Privacy, Cryptography (30) Social Informatics (31) Software Engineering (32) Software Systems (33) Statistics and Statistical Theory (34) Sustainability and Green IT (35) Ubiquitous Computing

Networked System:
(1) Middleware/Real-Time Networks (2) Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks/Sensor Networks/Peer to Peer Networks
(3) Network Performance/Traffic Engineering (4) Network Security Wireless Networks

28 - University of California - Santa Barbara 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 (1) Algorithms & Theory (2) Computational Science and Engineering (3) Computer Architecture (4) Database and Information Systems (5) Human Centered and Social Computing (6) Machine Learning and Data Mining (7) Networking (8) Operating Systems and Distributed Systems (9) Programming Languages and Software Engineering (10) Security and Cryptography (11) Visual Computing and Interaction

28 - University of Chicago 芝加哥大学 (1) AI & Machine Learning (2) Computing Education (3) Data & Databases (4) Human Computer Interaction (5) Scientific & High Performance Computing (6) Security & Privacy (7) Programming Languages (8) Systems, Architecture & Networking (9) Theory (10) Visual Computing

28 - University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学 (1) Computer Systems, Architecture, and Networks (2) Cyber Physical Systems (3) Artificial Intelligence (4) Security (5) Software Engineering (6) Theory

34 - Northeastern University 东北大学
(1) Algorithms & Theory (2) Artificial Intelligence (3) Computational Biology (4) Data Science (5) Data Visualization (6) Formal Methods (7) Games (8) Human-Computer Interaction (9) Machine Learning (10) Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (11) Network Science (12) Personal Health Informatics (13) Programming Languages (14) Robotics (15) Security and Privacy (16) Software Engineering (17) Systems and Networking

34 - Ohio State University 俄亥俄州立大学 (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Computer Graphics (3) Networking & Distributed Computing (4) Software Engineering & Programming Languages (5) Systems (6) Theory & Algorithms

34 - Pennsylvania State University - University Park 宾州州立大学公园分校 University Park: (1) Biomedical Devices and Systems (2) Communications, Information Theory, and Coding over Networked Systems (3) Computational Science (4) Computer Architecture (5) Control and Decision Systems (6) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (7) Electromagnetics (8) Electronic Materials and Devices (9) Integrated Circuits and Systems (10) Network and Mobile Systems (11) Operating Systems and Cloud Computing (12) Optical Materials, Devices, and Systems (13) Power and Energy Systems (14) Programming Languages and Compilers (15) Remote Sensing and Space Systems (16) Security and Privacy (17) Signal and Image Processing (18) Theoretical Computer Science Harrisburg: 方向和老师都很少

34 - University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 明尼苏达大学双城分校
Twin Cities: (1) Architectures, Compiler Optimization, and Embedded Systems (2) Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (3) Data Mining, Databases, and Geographical Information Systems (4) Graphics and Immersive Computing (5) High Performance Computing (6) Human Computer Interaction (HCI) (7) Networks, Distributed Systems, and Security (8) Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (9) Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (10) Theoretical Foundations Duluth: (1) Biomedical and Health Informatics: Combining computer science, engineering, and medicine (2) Computational Linguistics (3) Computer Networking (4) Data Mining and Machine Learning (5) Data Mining, Database Management and Parallel Algorithms for GPU’s (6) Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (7) Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Evolutionary Computation (8) Information Retrieval (9) Natural Language Processing (10) Operating Systems & Security (11) Perception and Computer Graphics (12) Simulation and Environment Representation for Virtual Environments

38 - New York University 纽约大学 Courant: (1) Algorithms & Theory (2) Computational Biology (3) Formal Methods & Verification (4) Graphics, Vision & User Interfaces (5) Machine Learning (6) Natural Language & Speech Processing (7) Networks, Operating & Distributed Systems (8) Scientific Computing Tandon: (1) Communications/IT (2) Cybersecurity (3) Data Science/AI/Robotics (4) Emerging Media (5) Health (6) Sustainability (7) Urban

38 - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick 罗格斯新泽西州立大学新布伦瑞克分校 New Brunswick: (1) Computer and Network Systems (2) Intelligent Systems (3) Theory of Computing Camden: 方向和老师都很少

38 - Texas A&M University - College Station 德州农工大学 - 大学城 College Station/Galveston: (1) Algorithms and Theory (2) Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (3) Bioinformatics, Computational Biology (4) Computational Science (5) Computer Architecture (6) Computer Science Education (7) Computer Vision (8) Cyber-Physical Systems (9) Cybersecurity (10) Data Science (11) Databases, Data Mining, Information Retrieval Systems (12) Digital Humanities (13) Electronic Design Automation and VLSI (14) Embedded Systems (15) Gaming (16) Graphics, Visualization and Computational Fabrication (17) Health (18) Human-Centered Systems (19) Networks (20) Parallel and Distributed Computing (21) Programming Languages, Compilers (22) Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction (23) Software and Software Engineering (24) Systems

38 - University of Colorado - Boulder 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校 Boulder: (1) Artificial Intelligence (2) Complex Systems (3) Computational Biology (4) Cyber-Physical and Autonomous Systems (5) Human-Centered Computing (6) Numerical & Scientific Computing (7) Programming Languages & Software Engineering (8) Robotics (9) Systems & Networking (10) Theory of Computing Colorado Springs: (1) Cyber Security, Physical Security, and Homeland Security (2) Machine Learning and Computer Vision (3) Software Engineering and Software Testing (4) Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction (5) High Performance Computing, Compilers, and Programming Languages (6) Computer Networks, Systems, and Distributed Computing (7) Cloud Computing and BigData Processing (8) Computer Science Education (9) Computational Economics and Algorithmic Game Theory (10) Cyber-Physical Systems (11) Bioinformatics/Computation Biology Denver: (1) Animation, Neuroscience, and Al Computer Graphics & VR (2) Cyber-Physical Systems (3) Cybersecurity & Secure Computing (4) Data Science,Big Data Management and Mining (5) High-Performance Distributed Computing (6) Machine Learning (7) Parallel and Distributed Systems Theory and Algorithms

38 - Virginia Tech - Blacksburg 弗吉尼亚理工大学 Blacksburg: (1) Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (2) Data Analytics, Machine Learning, NLP, and Vision (3) Digital Education (4) HPC and Computational Science (5) Human Computer Interaction (6) Quantum Computing (7) Security (8) Software Engineering (9) Systems (10) Theory and Algorithms Northern: 方向和老师都很少


我强调下这个阶段的产出吧~产出应该是你选定的方向下的一套以5-6个personal projects(至少是这个数目)为基础的初版简历(这样就可以用来去投递业界科研机会和学界科研机会了)。




举个例子,比如你的兴趣是database,但是你的简历里的这5-6个project,可能最好不要是纯database的projects。我的意思是,你如果多去看几个database的教授的话,你会发现,有的教授更多是focus在database security,有的教授更多是从distributed systems的角度去做distributed database,但是也有的教授在做database与data mining,还有的教授在用ml去解决database问题。。。等等等等。那,此时,想要做database的人们,就会根据自己的兴趣来打造第一套简历。

比如,有的人会令自己的简历以database内核开发为主、distributed systems和data mining为辅,但是有的人会令自己的简历以database security以及其他system security的project为主。这种差异,就是因为,他们在database领域内部 所喜欢的细分方向不太一样。而这种兴趣的差异,也决定了他们在联系不同教授的时候成功的概率。

所以打造第一套原始简历是一个open-ended question,需要根据你的兴趣,具体情况具体分析,然后再去寻找相应的project来打造简历。



但是,你有没有想过,对于博士申请来说,教授具体喜欢哪种类型的CS人才呢?他在筛选PhD applicants的时候,脑子里在想什么东西呢?




“我不想招一个人过来做我的学生,我其实想招一个廉价的independent researcher过来给我干活5年——我其实想招一个可以共事的同事。”

所以,肖哥认为,虽然博士依然是一个学生,但是最理想的博士能力画像其实是Independent Researcher画像——这是你申博之前、以及申博期间都要有的能力画像,这样才能更有希望拿下Top的CS PhD录取、以及更轻松更容易地读下来这个CS PhD。





但是我们可以大概总结一下一个PhD offer如果发生,那它可能有哪几种情况:


你有责任好好地跟着美国教授做科研,尽量发优质CS paper甚至是顶会paper。

但是,由于发出高质量的CS paper很难,而且的确不是每个人都能中顶会paper的。

所以需要思考如何在没有优质paper的情况下还能中Top的CS PhD。


虽然你这个经历没有发出来优质的CS paper,但是你与教授的长期合作后,教授已经有点离不开你了——他已经习惯了拥有你这个Research Assistant了,从而想要给你发一个CS PhD的录取,且这个教授也愿意给你出推荐信。
肖哥发现有很多本科生并没有很优质的paper但是也居然中了Top CS PhD,仔细看下这种人的经历就会发现他在本科的时候长期和某个教授合作,已经一起做科研做了好几年了,那这一看就是教授非常喜欢他、习惯了有他在自己身边帮自己做各种事情。






由于(1)的教授也未必100%就会给你发PhD录取,所以也需要考虑如何才能讨(2)的教授的喜欢——让不认识的教授相信自己具备Independent Researcher的能力。

所以,要用上面提到的4个素材来营造自己的Independent Researcher形象:


(2)会有与自己方向不完全一致的教授前来联系自己:“同学你好,我在applicant pool里发现了你,虽然我们方向不完全一致,但是也是有交集的,你要不要考虑我的组?”


(4)会有教授说:“我看到你在GitHub上的挺活跃的,而且你是XX project的contributor,并且你解决了很多issues,这些issues真的都挺有难度的,我挺相信你的能力的,我们聊一次吧,如果聊的合适,我可以考虑招你做PhD。”







在那种你认识教授的大学,你的材料在网申系统里也是会需要经过初筛的,而经过初筛也是主要看推荐西。看完推荐信后再看下你的其他材料到底咋样。然后如果过了初筛,此时你的4才有机会令你stand out,但是前提是教授们注意到了4的存在。如果教授们都没注意到,那4的重要性依然是垫底的。







如果没有名师的推荐信,那就是主要让public profiles引起教授对自己的注意。然后教授此时如果看到你有不错的paper/publication,此时也就是随便扫一下你的简历和个人陈述,就应该会愿意和你聊聊了。



**多说一句,如果你真的想知道一个教授到底有多看重1这个材料,那你可以看一下这个教授的主页上陈列的自己正在带/带过的PhD,看下他们是哪年入学的,然后去这些PhD的google scholar上看下他们在入学年份之前的paper/publication到底多不多、以及发的paper/publication到底是什么分量(是水paper还是很有质量的paper)。

**再多说一句,你在写个人陈述的时候,你why school里要提多个相关的教授(也就是你喜欢某某教授然后想要跟着他做什么东西),因为真的不一定会拿到哪个教授的面试,所以得多提一些,然后why school不用写得太细。

在这4个材料中,只有推荐信的质量完全处于我们的掌控之外,所以也是最有风险的材料。肖哥想要提醒你一下,就是如果一个教授过于Top(例如是MIT的CS Professor),他可能见过太多聪明绝顶的research assistant,所以你即便是跟着这老师做东西了,然后也出成果了,但是他在推荐信里也未必对你评价那么高。。。他见过的精英太多了,所以你想要stand out然后让老师在推荐信里说你是top 1%的students什么的,实在是难度非常高。





但是你不能因此就不去联系老一些的教授了啊,,,hhh 真的是Anything is possible,所以都要尝试啊。



为了套上辞,要在第一次联系教授的时候,就展露出independent researcher的人设、以及自己在自己专供方向的深入了解、以及对教授工作的深入了解。我们称这个内容为【套磁内容】。






其实我本来不想提强弱committee制度这件事,因为知道这个和不知道这个,意义不大。。。因为不管哪些学校是强committee、哪些学校是弱committee,你都是要老老实实、认认真真地打造你的申博画像(也就是independent researcher画像)。

但是总有人问这件事,唉hhh 我也能理解,那我就大概谈下我看到的一些东西好了。




所以说到底还是教授有多喜欢你,如果他真的很喜欢你、认可了你independent researcher的能力,然后他其实就会狗急跳墙、没办法也变得有办法地去为你争取博士录取。所以,如果一个教授在你套磁的时候告诉你“我们大学是强committee,我没有什么权利”,可能只是在委婉的说“你的能力我没看上,我不想去和committee的人去提我想要你做我的PhD,因为你不够优秀,你不值得我去和committee去撕逼然后去把他们说服了要招你。” 唉。。。

所以,与其去查阅哪个大学是强committee、哪个大学是弱committee,不如把精力花在打造自己的independent researcher画像上。这样才能让不可能变为可能。


现在,我们了解了PhD申请的一地鸡毛以后,然后你可能会感叹一句“PhD申请简直是乱死了。。。没有什么规律、没有什么东西是确定的、感觉总有种心里不踏实的感觉”。。。。没错。的确这样。所以我不太想做CS PhD申请,因为学员即便是交钱给我,我也没有那个本事(我也不觉得任何导师有那个本事)去帮助学员去消掉如此多的不确定性。但是,不管你找申博导师辅导你申博,还是自己DIY申博,我们还是回到背景提升本身,看看背景提升要做什么事情(我们假设申博的背景提升是3年,从大一下学期一直到大四上学期):


Connection is all you need!
而且一定要尽可能与多个不同的学校的CS教授合作,因为其实他们的人脉也有可能帮到我们,比如我的意思是(以4个教授为例,即,假设你在申请CS PhD之前,在背景提升的过程中,与4个不同大学的美国教授合作过):